Invest where .sport .luxury .art .music merge

SLAM is the world's first fund dedicated to investment opportunities that emerge at the intersection of sport, luxury, art, and music.
Creation at the service of performance

Innovation and creation are fueled by bridges created between disciplines. They are sources of performance.
We identify, finance, and support the most promising companies, in France and globally, at the intersection of sport, luxury, art, and music to turn them into global champions.
An ecosystem of investors, experts, creators, and athletes
Driven by TRAIL, SLAM has built a unique ecosystem of seasoned investment professionals, elite athletes, entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders from the worlds of sport, luxury, art, and music, all dedicated to supporting our companies.

Xavier Marin

Olivier Chartier

Mofses Kechichian

Adrien De Megille

Gilles Dufeigneux

Djema Belkhodja

Raphael Varane

Ciryl Gane

Pierre Gasly

Nathalie Boy de la Tour

Laura Flessel

Thébé Magugu

François Marcadé

Laurent Bayle

Emmanuel Simonneau
Our Investments

An agency specializing in the design, production, and organization of exceptional events for major luxury brands.

Ares MMA
The leading European mixed martial arts platform, combining an official league, management agency, training club, and content production.

International creative studio for the design and production of immersive multimedia content for “exceptional” events
SLAM in the press

marcade entrusts its transmission to trail

SLAM Fund and Ciryl Gane launch ARESMMA to create a European combat sports champion

SLAM fund aims to combine luxury, sport and art
Want to invest in the SLAM fund?
The SLAM fund offers a unique investment opportunity in the sectors of sport, luxury, art, and music.
Your questions answered
What is a FCPR?
Fonds Commun de Placement à Risques (FCPR) are Collective Investment Schemes (OPC) governed by Article L. 214-28 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. These non-professional private equity funds, which require approval from the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), are invested in securities of companies not listed on the stock exchange at a minimum of 50%.
What is the key information for subscribing to FCPR SLAM?
For more information, click here:
What is the SLAM fund's strategy?
The sectors of Sport, Luxury, Art, and Music (SLAM) share the common trait of offering inspiring personal and collective experiences and are increasingly interconnected (according to the analysis of the Management Company).
Europe, and France in particular, are home to numerous SLAM companies that benefit from iconic brands and specific expertise, but which remain, in our estimation, underexploited.
These companies have the opportunity to implement a growth strategy in terms of geographical and operational reach, both organically and through acquisitions. However, they need both capital and strategic support.
The investment strategy of the FCPR SLAM FUND consists of investing in small and medium-sized enterprises active in the sports industry and adjacent verticals such as luxury, art, and music.
The fund will primarily invest in unlisted shares and take majority or minority stakes in small and medium-sized enterprises that, according to our analysis, show strong growth potential
The geographical investment area will mainly be France and Europe, but the fund does not exclude the possibility of investing internationally, particularly in the United States and Asia, which may generate currency risk
The fund aims to make more than 10 investments to diversify growth potential and limit risks
The originality of the SLAM Fund's investment strategy: its unique positioning in the following four sectors: Sport, Luxury, Art, and Music.
We believe that the growing interconnection of these sectors will bring new opportunities for the portfolio companies and their leaders.The Fund will benefit from TRAIL's ecosystem composed of seasoned investment professionals in the field of private equity and SLAM sectors, high-level athletes, and experienced entrepreneurs in these domains.The management team will focus on companies in the growth phase (Growth / Development Capital) or maturity phase (LBO / Buyout), rather than pursuing a venture capital strategy
Management Company Trail Solutions Patrimoine (License No. GP-04000041)
Legal form Fonds Commun de Placement à Risques /FCPR (Venture Capital Mutual Fund)
Approval date October 24, 2023
Fund lifetime Until December 31, 2033 (estimated liquidation date)
Marketing period 2 years
Initial value of A shares Subscription at the initial value of €100
Minimum subscription €10,000 (excluding entry fees)
Entry fees 5% maximum of the subscription amount, all taxes included
Valuation Semi-annual
Geographical area France and Europe
Lock-up period Fund lifetime
Custodian ODDO BHF SCA
Qui est TRAIL ?
Créée en 2007 par Xavier Marin, TRAIL est une société européenne d’investissement qui est le partenaire investisseur impliqué d’entreprises à fort potentiel de croissance afin de les accompagner dans leur développement en champion mondial dans leurs domaines.
Avec près d’un milliard d’euros de capital géré à ce jour TRAIL bénéficie d’une plateforme d’investissement internationale de premier rang et dispose de bureaux à Paris, Luxembourg et Shanghai.